Stone Veneer Hatch Patterns Autocad Viewer

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  2. Autocad Stone Veneer Hatch Patterns
  3. Stone Veneer Hatch Patterns Autocad Viewer For Mac

Hello,I am using AutoCAD 2016.I have tried multiple methods of importing a particular hatch pattern (European Ledge from Eldorado Stone) into AutoCAD. It's there under my list of hatches, I'm able to do that just fine. But when I do the HATCH command, any time I try to either 1) create a new hatch with this European Ledge hatch pattern, or 2) change an existing hatch to this European Ledge hatch pattern, the program just freezes. Like the hatch pattern just freaks the program out and the program can't handle it. And I have to force quit the program.In other words, I can import the hatch pattern into my DWG file. But I cannot actually use the hatch pattern because it freezes the program.I tried turning HPDLGMODE to 1, and then hatching the object, but when I try that, the command line shows this:-Command: HHATCHPick internal point or Select objects/remove Boundaries: Selecting everything.Selecting everything visible.Analyzing the selected data.Analyzing internal islands.Pick internal point or Select objects/remove Boundaries:Bad pattern definition file:Missing parameter on line 4.?-This seems to be a recurring problem with Eldorado Stone hatches. Our company has not been able to import any Eldorado Stone hatches into AutoCAD for a while, so we have had to just use stone hatches that look different.We can use our other hatch patterns.

Stone Veneer Hatch Patterns Autocad Viewer Download

But we cannot use the Eldorado Stone ones.Any help would be appreciated. A long-standing requirement for AutoCAD hatch pattern definition was that all lines must be 80 characters or less in length - as stipulated here:The pattern in question has many lines that flout that rule - the first of those being at the mentioned line #4. It appears that a pattern generator intended to create Revit hatch patterns (where line length is rarely a problem) was used to create that file.You can easily shrink the line lengths to 80 characters or less by removing trailing zeroes.

John,it would be a good thing if Autodesk could relax AutoCAD's long-standing 80 character limit, the requirement that custom files contain a single pattern named to match the file, the requirement for an additional line at the end of the file and be tolerant of internal whitespace and linebreaks. These are the little details most newcomers have some grief with.80 character lines are a relic from the days of teletypewriters and punched card-readersLooking forward to any light you may be able to throw on this.Hugh. Thank you for this!I opened the PAT file in Notepad and manually deleted all of the extra digits (such as deleting all the zeros from 00), then saved the file, then went into AutoCAD and tried to use the hatch, and it worked! Thanks for the help!(For the record, when I copied and pasted the version you posted hugha, the hatch didn't work in AutoCAD and I was given the error message 'Bad pattern definition file: Missing parameter on line 29.' But when I went in to the original PAT file (after re-downloading it from Eldorado) and deleted the extra digits manually it worked perfectly).Thank you for your help - I found a way to insert the hatch!-There is an additional (very small) problem which is a bit perplexing.

I can insert the hatch without a problem. I can use MATCHPROP to change a hatch to and from this European Ledge hatch. However, when I click on a hatched area, and go to the hatch drop down menu to change the hatch from another kind of hatch TO the European Ledge hatch, the program freezes (and I can press Escape to exit the command (and sometimes I have to press CTRL+Z to 'undo', so the program doesn't crash, but I still can't change the hatch to this European Ledge hatch using this method)). There are other workarounds such as MATCHPROP which is probably the most convenient, or just deleting the hatch and re-hatching it using the hatch pattern I want - but I was just wondering if anyone might know why the program is doing this and if there is a solution? I will attach a DWG file in case anyone wants to take a look. (Also, this problem is present regardless of whether HPDLGMODE is set to 1 or 2).Again, in terms of functionality and productivity, I've found a solution - I was just wondering about this (small) confusing glitch in the program's hatch function in this case. (The primary reason I am even asking about this very small problem is: I've found a solution for our entire office to be able to use the Eldorado hatches now, and solving this little glitch in the function could probably prevent a few hang-ups around the office in the future as people try to use these hatch patterns).Thanks again for your help.


Try this condensed version.For me, the pattern looked the same.EuropeanLedge0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,1.590.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,20.875, 1.5,-12.090.0, -1.5625,1.5, 0.0,20.875, 1.5,-12.090.0, -3.1250,3.0, 0.0,20.875, 1.5,-12.090.0, -6.0,9.0, 0.0,20.875, 1.5,-12.090.0, -7.5625,10.5, 0.0,20.875, 1.5,-12.090.0, -9.1250,12.0, 0.0,20.875, 1.5,-12.090.0, -9.0,4.5, 0.0,20.875, 1.5,-12.090.0, -10.5625,6.0, 0.0,20.875, 1.5,-12.090.0, -12.1250,7.5, 0.0,20.875, 1.5,-12.0The Eldorado hatch did work here on 2016 as well.??? Ok, I just ran into another problem. For some of the hatches (such as European Ledge and LedgeCut33), I will be able to implement the solution of manually deleting all the extra 0's.

However, for most of them (Cypress Ridge, Fieldledge, Hillstone, Mountain Ledge, River Rock, RoughCut, Rustic Ledge, and Stacked Stone) I will not be able to. Many of the lines of text go over 80 digits and can't be made shorter, because there aren't any extra 0's. For example:1511, 7., 6., 617, 4., 4., -296077, 526, 4., -328, 3., 3., -302542, 759, 907, -718, 5., 0., -2736Each of these lines goes over 100 digits.

So I will not be able to manually delete digits to get them under 80 digits. In other words, as of now I have no way to use these hatch patterns that I listed. Attached is an example DWG file as well as the PAT files for a couple of the hatch patterns I mentioned. I am unable to use the following hatch patterns. Does anyone know what the solution might be for this?Thank you,Michael MurrinEdit: Also, does anyone know if it is possible to unmark this topic as solved?


The problem was solved only for a couple of the hatches (European Ledge, LedgeCut33), but for the other 10 or so Eldorado Stone hatches our office would like to use, it has not yet been solved. Sorry for the double post, but:Right now the priority is figuring out how to use the Stacked Stone hatch pattern. Attached is the PAT file. When I try to use this hatch pattern, I get the message 'Error in Pattern File'.


Autocad Stone Veneer Hatch Patterns

Does anyone know what the problem for this might be? I cannot shorten the number of digits per line, because many lines go over 100 digits and don't have any extra 0's to delete.Also attached is an example DWG file.Thanks for any help.-Edit: I just came up with another possible solution. Since these hatch patterns are working perfectly for a number of people, is there any chance one of you could create a dummy file in AutoCAD 2016, hatch an area using the Stacked Stone hatch (as that's what I need right now), and then attach that DWG file to a post here? I may be able to just save that file and then use MATCHPROP to get it to work.

Stone Veneer Hatch Patterns Autocad Viewer For Mac

It may not work, but it's worth a shot.-2nd Edit: I figured out how to unmark the topic as 'solved', as it is not yet solved.The hatch patterns I would like to have the functionality of using, but currently cannot use for the reasons I have described in above posts and this post, are:Stacked Stone (1st priority right now)AshlarCypress ridgeFieldledgeHillstoneLedgestoneMountain LedgeRiver RockRoughCutRubbleRustic Ledge. To shorten pattern lines, you can safely take precision from X and Y (the 2nd and 3rd items on each line).

This pattern worked.Would you be able to try it with the attached Stacked Stone pattern?As I mentioned, unfortunately there are a number of other patterns I am unable to get to work. In addition to your method, I had found a solution as suggested by hugha to fix the European Ledge and LedgeCut33 patterns, but for reasons described in an earlier post, I was not able to fix any of the other patterns. I don't want to mark the topic as 'solved' yet so as not to decrease traffic to it, until all of the problems I listed have been solved. But when I do I will mark every post that gave me a solution to one (or all) of the problems (including your post here) as the solution.Also hugha and scot-65, I will try your suggestions as well. Wrote:The hatch patterns I would like to have the functionality of using, but currently cannot use for the reasons I have described in above posts and this post, are:Stacked Stone (1st priority right now)AshlarCypress ridgeFieldledgeHillstoneLedgestoneMountain LedgeRiver RockRoughCutRubbleRustic LedgeThese patterns can be sourced directly from Eldorado Stone.Some are very large but all should be able to be loaded to AutoCAD without further editing as their line lengths are.

CAD hatch library, hundreds of FREE AutoCAD hatch patterns, the collection includes wood, brickwork,stone and stonework.We have over 300 free AutoCAD architectural hatch patterns to choose from, ideal for those specialist CAD jobs needing custom designs. All our free hatching files are fully compatible with AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT in addition the PAT files are also compatible as Autodesk Revit Hatch Patterns for filled regions.The library includes free Autodesk compatible wood patterns, free stone hatches, brick hatch patterns, geometric patterns seamless textures and many scales of each design.