Dragon Age 2 Dlc Decrypter Online

Dragon Age 2 Dlc Decrypter Online Rating: 3,7/5 6402 votes
  1. Dragon Age 2 Redeem Dlc

.This has been the longest week of my life.Cliff notes: a badass parade of death.Agreed.Let me know how it turns out so I can have a build to test out in a future play-through.A 3-Mage build!? Someone's got a score to settle! I wasn't even sure about the effectiveness of having two Mages, but it looks like we don't share the same mental reservations concerning our party buildsSeems pretty ballsy, be sure to let me know how that works out for you. Indeed we don't.I tend to have the most fun and experience with 3 Mage/1 Tank builds plus I imagine I won't have to lean toward more artificial means of lengthening the game by sticking with it.


I want my initial play-through to last as long as humanly possible and Mages still appear to be the most versatile class in the game. It'll also motivate me to uncover the psuedo-AW/BM class or talent & team combos asap for ideal party balance.Should be rocky at first but ultimately satisfying on Hard.I love how all the female characters I've encountered in the the Demo are at least C-cups.My sarcasm meter doesn't quite know what to make of this one. I'm personally for it but I'm a straight male and obviously bias so there you go.Just to be that guy:Told you soYeah, yeah, yeah. I stand corrected but it's hard to feel any sort of guilt or anger when I'm prone to benefit from the results either way.For the DAL beta feedback, I told them to just get it over with already and make a 'Buy DA2 unlockable DLC' option.I still haven't received that e-mail yet. I'm starting to feel a little left out.Is it just me, or do you do more damage if you attack a little, move away and then attack again? Maybe I just imagined it.It's just you.When they have me start trying to fit Dragon Age collectables up my rear that is where I'm drawing the line.After the latest FB stunt I happily disbanded from the #1 Bioware Supporter!

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E-street team and aren't likely to rejoin until they decide to send me a shiny decoder ring or offer up actual length extending content for the game. I've done my part and then some. I appreciate the new business model but they have forfeited any chance of me purchasing any future inventory related DLC because of this back and forth bullshit. Unless of course it comes with a substantial discount and a Brazilian super model.So. As I said I don't plan on purchasing any Return To Ostagar or Warden's Keep sequels unless a reasonable price + half decent storyline justifies it.This has been the longest week of my life.Agreed.Let me know how it turns out so I can have a build to test out in a future play-through.I most certainly will. If I can get the kind of playtime that I'm hoping for (the kind that made me 'infamous' - probably in a bad way - in the ME2 thread ), then I'll have posts solely dedicated to builds that I can help people with. I honestly need to quit playing the demo as an Archer, because it increasingly threatens my initial playthrough as a Mage each time I do it.

Good.Indeed we don't.I tend to have the most fun and experience with 3 Mage/1 Tank builds plus I imagine I won't have to lean toward more artificial means of lengthening the game by sticking with it. I want my initial play-through to last as long as humanly possible and Mages still appear to be the most versatile class in the game. It'll also motivate me to uncover the psuedo-AW/BM class or talent & team combos asap for ideal party balance.Should be rocky at first but ultimately satisfying on Hard.Most people are playing the game to uncover Hawke's rise to power. We're playing it to find the class that absolutely breaks the game wide open and forces the enemies to bend to our will(not our sole reason for playing, but.you know.)Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I stand corrected but it's hard to feel any sort of guilt or anger when I'm prone to benefit from the results either way. If there's one thing I'm about when it comes to BioWare, it's: keep the faith, maaan.I still haven't received that e-mail yet.

I'm starting to feel a little left out. It's okay, I haven't received any emails of the sort for ME or DA or their respective DLCs. At first I was like 'what the hell's going on? Don't they want to hear from their poster boy?' Then, I realized that they can read the internet just as easily as anyone else and, with my name plastered over anything ME-related and now starting to set up temporary camp here, they probably have all the information they need. I still haven't received that e-mail yet.

I'm starting to feel a little left out.I wouldn't feel left out. The satisfaction from DAL is somewhere in between watching a cat hack up a hair ball and popping a zit with a needle sterlizied with a BIC lighter. I'm just waiting for them to finally open the unlockables, get those, and then be done with it.I most certainly will. If I can get the kind of playtime that I'm hoping for (the kind that made me 'infamous' - probably in a bad way - in the ME2 thread ), then I'll have posts solely dedicated to builds that I can help people with.I'll appreciate those. Having this much control over combat/tactics is alien to me so I can use the help if I want to tackle anything higher than normal difficulty.

OXM gave it a 9.0. They didn't really provide anything new that I haven't seen. Great characters, dialogue, and story.

The only new complaints I've seen are that it starts off really slow, and that they recycle numerous dungeons/locations. Other small complaints they had that I've seen addressed before are: the limited character customization of other party members (can only change weapons/accessories, the armor remains the same though you can enhance them with rune slots that grant varying stat buffs), less open world/story, tweaks to combat/dialogue etc.They also have a screenshot of Bodhan and Sandal, so I'm glad to see they at least make a cameo.

Also mention a few quests in the game will depend on the choices you made in DA 1. If you don't have a save, then you still have an option to decide how DA 1 played out.

I most certainly will. If I can get the kind of playtime that I'm hoping for (the kind that made me 'infamous' - probably in a bad way - in the ME2 thread ), then I'll have posts solely dedicated to builds that I can help people with.You have a natural eye for detail with enough patience for writing in FAQ-esque format so you won't find any argument here. I half expected you to make an appearance in the Origins thread but I apparently I must have beat you to it.With the both of us on call there shouldn't be any excuses for anyone not completing the game however their heart desires. It's not like playing this game 'the right way' (there is many) is rocket science, but I'll be damned if we won't make some people think twice on occasion.I honestly need to quit playing the demo as an Archer, because it increasingly threatens my initial playthrough as a Mage each time I do it. Good.I told you so./Karma;PMost people are playing the game to uncover Hawke's rise to power. We're playing it to find the class that absolutely breaks the game wide open and forces the enemies to bend to our will(not our sole reason for playing, but.you know.)I'd like to think they knew exactly what they were doing when they created a single sustain spell capable of turning a mage into the f.cking Juggernaut.

Then had the gall to unleash it upon a world ripe with mana regenerative armaments and weaponry. It's as if the most beautiful woman you'd ever seen in your life told you she had a twin who was equally infatuated with you. The only truly 'wrong' decision was choosing not to indulge in sinful activities.Whenever I felt guilty (which was rare. If a bit misguided) watching my Warden wield his staff as the divine wooden counterpart to Voltron's Blazing Sword, I took solace in how minuscule future tweaks to game play balance would have been if not for my irresponsible (but satisfying) behavior.If there's one thing I'm about when it comes to BioWare, it's: keep the faith, maaan.I still lurk the ME threads on occasion, you know. There's a single drop of faith left in my well with plenty of opportunity for a spontaneous downpour to refill it should DA2 really impress me.Since you can't accurately assess nor display 'enriched RPG elements' in a game play trailer or demo I haven't the luxury of leaning on reviews, dev, or forum posts to help alleviate my concerns for ME3. Logically I don't have much of a choice but using DA2 as the sole point of reference which will decide just how much enthusiasm I should reserve for future Bioware games.No pressure Thedas.It's okay, I haven't received any emails of the sort for ME or DA or their respective DLCs.

At first I was like 'what the hell's going on? Don't they want to hear from their poster boy?' Then, I realized that they can read the internet just as easily as anyone else and, with my name plastered over anything ME-related and now starting to set up temporary camp here, they probably have all the information they needPoint taken.

I vaguely recall Christina Norman said she was a member of CAG so I'm sure many of our posts have been duly noted, marked and cataloged somewhere by a few members of the DA team. At least that's what my ego keeps telling me.I wouldn't feel left out. The satisfaction from DAL is somewhere in between watching a cat hack up a hair ball and popping a zit with a needle sterlizied with a BIC lighter.

I'm just waiting for them to finally open the unlockables, get those, and then be done with it.I honestly hope that wasn't the case. Many said their locations were revealed via blog while the initial closed beta was operational.

No need for me to stress how asinine it would have been to come up short after trudging along for so long. You have a natural eye for detail with enough patience for writing in FAQ-esque format so you won't find any argument here. I half expected you to make an appearance in the Origins thread but I apparently I must have beat you to it. I do have some files (similar to the ones in my ME1 and ME2 storage/folders) on my computer with about 4 or 5 different team builds, and maybe 5 or 6 Warden builds for myself - so I suppose I could've shared at some point. It's too late now, though, since Witch Hunt ruined any chance of me being active in the Dragon Age: Origins thread ever again. Mass Effect has been a big enough turf for me to run thus far, though DA2 is a different story because I need something to keep my mind/attention off of the big, dark cloud hanging above my head all Spring/Summer (the torture over waiting for ME3's release)And, yeah, I kind of go nuts typing sometimes (a good example is the recent builds I posted the past couple of days, haha) - so I don't imagine too many people would be against me hanging out here for a few monthsWith the both of us on call there shouldn't be any excuses for anyone not completing the game however their heart desires. It's not like playing this game 'the right way' (there is many) is rocket science, but I'll be damned if we won't make some people think twice on occasion.With classes being balanced, there should be something for everyone in this game.

Barring any sort of game-breaking glitch, disc or console malfunction, or just bad overall game design (which I don't see happening), I'm not really one to let people off the hook when they say 'I give up' regarding things I consider good - I can definitely be good cop or bad cop, should the occasion call for itAnd it's interesting that you carefully chose the phrase 'on call', because I honestly feel like I am sometimes. It seems like you have the day shift and I pick up the graveyard shift.

It's very.convenient.I told you so./Karma;PI believe the scoreboard now reads:Ink - 1X - 1It sucks because I went into Origins with the mindset of using the Archer, but I was extremely let down by it (I think I quit before the origins story was even finished). I switched to Mage after that and, well, the rest is historyI'd like to think they knew exactly what they were doing when they created a single sustain spell capable of turning a mage into the f.cking Juggernaut. Then had the gall to unleash it upon a world ripe with mana regenerative armaments and weaponry.I'd like to think they put it there on purpose, too, so I'm not afraid that something equally as big and bad can slip past testing in DA2.It's as if the most beautiful woman you'd ever seen in your life told you she had a twin who was equally infatuated with you. The only truly 'wrong' decision was choosing not to indulge in sinful activities.Morrigan disapproves -10Leliana approves +10Zevran approves +10Isabella approves +10I still lurk the ME threads on occasion, you know.

Ah, but you've left me unchecked in there for waaay too long, so now my ego opinions are running rampant through the ME2 and ME3 threadsSince you can't accurately assess nor display 'enriched RPG elements' in a game play trailer or demo I haven't the luxury of leaning on reviews, dev, or forum posts to help alleviate my concerns for ME3. Logically I don't have much of a choice but using DA2 as the sole point of reference which will decide just how much enthusiasm I should reserve for future Bioware games.No pressure Thedas. I was sold after the ME3 Reveal Trailer, which I now have to go watch again mid-response thanks to you.Point taken.

I vaguely recall Christina Norman said she was a member of CAG so I'm sure many of our posts have been duly noted, marked and cataloged somewhere by a few members of the DA team. At least that's what my ego keeps telling me. If I had any evidence that she has even skimmed a post of mine, I'd be leaving my cell phone number in each one along with the words 'call me anytime, Christina! Well, this is sure to cause some consternation.I'm not sure where they got the 30-100 hour figure for Dragon Age. IIRC, my first play through Origins was a little less than 30 hours- on Casual, not completionist but hardly rushing either. My second time through was like 12 hours, just doing the minimum to grab the achievements I still needed. Right on par with Mass Effect 1 and 2.

I don't even know what you could spend 100 hours in that game doing, unless battles just take dramatically longer on the harder difficulties. Yeah, I spent like 37 hours playing through Origins including the in-game DLCs. I played on casual, also didn't rush but didn't do every single side quest either. I won't do a second playthrough as I don't care much about achievements and didn't like it enough to play it again-especially when I still have a bunch of the post game DLC to play through.It says it's longer than Mass Effects 2's campaign, that took me around 35 hours on my first playthrough (I'm more of a completionist with that series). Not counting any DLC aside from the included mission for Zaeed and the Normandy Crash Site.Plenty long for me. 20-30 hours is ideal for a WRPG main game IMO. Origins is easily a 40 - 60+ hour game on its own merit without skipping large patches of dialog or tons of side quests.

Difficulty settings and personal interest plays a huge factor in it. I could beat ME2 in less than 10 - 15 hours on any difficulty setting if I focused on the main story and maybe one or two loyalty quests, but hearing others managed to squeeze 40 hours out of it wouldn't surprise me.Cutting the average playtime of any RPG in half is pretty disheartening in my opinion. Especially when the extra length (compared to ME2) in my case would only extend playtime by a few hours; maybe 10 tops. Adopting the pick up and play syndrome from other genres is only going to run the risk of shutting down more options in the future. The only saving grace here is none of the reviewers have been able to reach a consensus on the average being below 30 yet.I'll still play it but if I have to seriously work on stretching out more than 30 hours between the main story and questing out of it I'm going to be extremely disappointed.

Yeah, I played on casual, had subtitles on so I x'd through dialogue as I can read faster than they talk. I did most of the side quests I found-only had two left unfinished I think that were collectathon crap I didn't feel like bothering with. I also didn't read anything in the codex etc.Still took me 37 hours, so I can see the 40+ easily. 60 seems hard to me unless that's on highest difficulty and factoring in battles taking longer, dying more often etc. As I didn't skip that much.All that said, I agree they shouldn't make them too short. I like how it is now where you can skip side quests and finish quicker, or do everything and drag it out.20-30 hours is ideal for me as it's just hard to play super long games when I have a hard time gaming more than 5 hours most weeks.

My Dragon Age play through began around Thanksgiving and I just finished Origins last week, for example.Edited by dmaul1114, 02 March 2011 - 05:28 PM. One thing I've never been able to do with WRPGs is skip dialogue. Whether it's mediocre games like Alpha Protocol, great games like Oblivion and Dragon Age: Origins, or even the king of kings Mass Effect 1 and 2, spamming w/e key or button to advance through conversations is simply out of the question for me - whether its my first playthrough or my twenty-fifth. Though I could probably quote all of Shepard's lines verbatim ( not really), I've still yet to skip conversations in those games.It's the same for me as going back to re-read my favorite book or watch my favorite movie; I'm not going to skip through certain pages or scenes just to get to my favorite parts. You're missing way too much when you're not hearing the inflection, enunciation, and the emotion in someone's voice in these games. Sleeping wife and kids, fussy neighbors above/below you, and parents in the next room over be damned - there's always an alternative rather than keeping the volume turned way down (like gaming headphones, for instance).Audio is a very important part of an RPG, in my opinion.

The dialogue, the 'score' (or music), and the atmosphere are integral parts of the game attempting to suck you in.My average DA:O playthrough is in the low-30s, hour-wise. Skipping dialog in Mass Effect is a dangerous proposition since the 'skip' button can also be the 'choose' button.

Probably the only major design flaw in ME2 really.Audio is important for any game, unfortunately there are those of us who do have to deal with the sleeping wife and kids problem. And gaming headphones are not a good solution- not going to get a crying baby because I couldn't hear with my headphones on would result in my wife stomping my limbs off Isaac Clarke style.

Dragon Age 2 Dlc Decrypter Online

I've played through entire games with only the barest conception of what the music sounded like. And no subtitles = no sale.Btw X, where did you get that avatar pic? Audio is important for any game, unfortunately there are those of us who do have to deal with the sleeping wife and kids problem. And gaming headphones are not a good solution- not going to get a crying baby because I couldn't hear with my headphones on would result in my wife stomping my limbs off Isaac Clarke style. I've played through entire games with only the barest conception of what the music sounded like. And no subtitles = no sale.Been there. I COULD NOT play Assassin's Creed until I got some headphones because of the lack of subtitles.

Luckily my kids are old enough (6 and 7) I don't have to worry to much about crying babies (they can comeo ut and get me).Even with the headphones though I find myself with them just on one ear so I can hear if anything going on in the house. I think I've heard all of most games through one ear.Also my playing at 'bedtime' is why my online play has gone down. Friends find it hard to hear me when I'm talking at a low to normal volume and not raised voice (since they jack up their TVs I guess). One thing I've never been able to do with WRPGs is skip dialogue.Well I read it all, so I don't 'skip' it. I just get tired of listening to all of it.

Especially random conversations with shop keepers etc. I generally just listen/watch to all the major story dialogue etc.Skipping dialog in Mass Effect is a dangerous proposition since the 'skip' button can also be the 'choose' button. Probably the only major design flaw in ME2 really.Yep, I had to be careful with that in ME2. Was very annoying. One thing I've never been able to do with WRPGs is skip dialogue. Whether it's mediocre games like Alpha Protocol, great games like Oblivion and Dragon Age: Origins, or even the king of kings Mass Effect 1 and 2, spamming w/e key or button to advance through conversations is simply out of the question for me - whether its my first playthrough or my twenty-fifth. Though I could probably quote all of Shepard's lines verbatim ( not really), I've still yet to skip conversations in those games.I am exactly the same way.

I feel like skipping the voice actors work is sacrilegious. It's right up there with dubbed foreign movies. This, of course, ads a ton of time to my RPG playing, but about half the money and production values of a Bioware game go into the voice talent (my guess), and so I am not sure why I'd want to just read it instead.Also, forgive me if this has been posted, I don't follow this thread closely but here is the launch trailer for The Exiled Prince - the day one DLC. Looks like DA2's stone prisoner (extra companion).

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Dragon Age 2 Redeem Dlc

On the Bioware forums has detailed how the Dragon Age 2 DRM will work. The Steam version will use Steam, and nothing else. For the retail version there is no limit to install, no disc check, and are online checks, which mean that only five PCs can be used to play a single version of the game within a 24-hour period. While this game can also be played offline, you will need to “check in” after a number of days to keep playing.The way things are going will mean that the retail version will end up being cheaper, but the digital version will be more convenient.