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.Thomas Pfaff2018-01-01Full Text Available Makansi, Jason. Painting By Numbers: How to Sharpen Your BS Detector and Smoke Out the 'Experts.' (Tucson, AZ: Layla Dog Press, 2016. ISBN 978-0-9984259-0-0.

In Painting by Numbers Jason Makansi adds another book to the quantitative literacy bookshelf, with a book focusing on models. The book offers twelve commandments to aid the reader in assess quantitative models. The second section of the book offers examples to apply the models. Increasing quantitative literacy is crucial and generally, the more books the better. Unfortunately, this book is too superficial, often misses key ideas, and can easily lead a person to climate denialism. This book may do more harm than good.Ballard, Robert D.1993-08-01The remotely operated vehicle (ROV) system MEDEA/ JASON has been under development for the last decade. Adter a number of engineering test cruises, including the discovery of the R.M.S.

Titanic and the German Battleship Bismarck, this ROV system is now being implemented in oceanographic investigations. This paper explains its development history and its unique ability to carry out a broad range of scientific research.National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — OSTM/ JASON-3 is a follow-on mission continuing the TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason-1/2, and is designed to ensure continuity of high quality measurements for ocean science.Cullen, R.2015-12-01The Sentinel-6/ Jason-CS mission will consist of 2 spacecraft and will be the latest in a series of ocean surface topography missions that will span nearly three decades. They follow the altimeters on- board TOPEX/Poseidon through to Jason-3 (expected March 2015). Jason-CS will continue to fulfil objectives of the reference series whilst introducing a major enhancement in capability providing the operational and science oceanographic community with the state of the art in terms of platform, measurement instrumentation design thus securing optimal operational and science data return.

The programme is a part of the EC Copernicus initiative, whose objective is to support Europe's goals regarding sustainable development and global governance of the environment by providing timely and quality data, information, services and knowledge. The programme brings together: ESA for development, procurement & early orbit activities; EUMETSAT for mission management, ground segment, flight ops, contributing funding of the 1st satellite and participation in funding for the 2nd satellite; NASA for the US payload and launcher procurement in addition to funding US science opportunities; EC for funding the operations and participation in funding (with EUMETSAT) for the 2nd satellite; NOAA are expected to provide US ground stations & operations services; CNES for mission expertise and provision of the POD service. The consortium plan to procure 2 satellites with the 1st planned for launch readiness in the 1st half of 2020 with the 2nd satellite 5 years later.

The first major commitment to funding was given by the ESA member states that approved the programme in June 2014 and in addition the European Commission funding is also fully secure. The design is based on a platform derived from CryoSat-2 adjusted to the specific requirements of the higher orbit. The principle payload instrument is a high precision Ku/C band radar altimeter with retrieval of geophysical parameters (surface.Cullen, R.; Francis, R.2014-12-01The Jason-CS/Sentinel-6 programme will consist of 2 spacecraft and will be the latest in a series of ocean surface topography missions that will span nearly three decades. They follow the altimeters on-board TOPEX/Poseidon through to Jason-3 (expected March 2015). Jason-CS will continue to fulfil objectives of the reference series whilst introducing a major enhancement in capability providing the operational and science oceanographic community with the state of the art in terms of platform, measurement instrumentation design thus securing optimal operational and science data return. The programme is a part of the EC Copernicus initiative, whose objective is to support Europe's goals regarding sustainable development and global governance of the environment by providing timely and quality data, information, services and knowledge. The programme brings together: ESA for development, procurement & early orbit activities; EUMETSAT for mission management, ground segment, flight ops, contributing funding of the 1st satellite and participation in funding for the 2nd satellite; NOAA for US payload instruments, launcher, ground stations & operations; NASA for developing the US payload, launcher procurement and funding US science; EU for funding the operations and participation in funding (with EUMETSAT) for the 2nd satellite; CNES for mission expertise and provision of POD.

The consortium plan to procure 2 satellites with the 1st planned for launch readiness in the 1st half of 2020 with the 2nd satellite 5 years later. The first major commitment to funding was given by the ESA member states that approved the programme in June 2014 and in addition the European Union funding is also secure. The design will be based on a platform derived from CryoSat-2 but adjusted to the specific requirements of the higher orbit. The principle payload instrument is a high precision Ku/C band radar altimeter with retrieval of geophysical parameters (surface elevation, wind speed and SWH) from.Lakey, J.R.A.; Roust, C.B.1988-01-01The 10 kW Research and Training Reactor Jason has been used at the Royal Naval College for 25 years in support of the Naval Nuclear Submarine Propulsion Programme. The principal features of Jason, relevant to its training role are given, along with the specifications of Jason, instrumentation, maintenance and operational experience.

The educational role of the reactor is described with respect to the Nuclear Reactor Course, Nuclear Advanced Course, and the Nuclear Radiation Protection Course. Future developments in operator training, advantages of the low power reactor, quality control of education and training, and research and development, are also discussed. (U.K.).Lockwood, R.J.S.; Beeley, P.A. HMS Sultan, Gosport, Hampshire (United Kingdom)2001-07-01The Jason low power Argonaut type, water and graphite moderated reactor was located in King William Building, which is a Grade 1 listed building within the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, London. The College itself is a Scheduled Ancient Monument with World Heritage Site status and is situated about a mile from the Greenwich Dome.

The decision to decommission Jason to International Atomic Energy Agency Stage 3 status (unrestricted site use) was taken in 1996. All physical decommissioning work was completed by October 1999, site radiological clearance was obtained in November 1999, the site license was withdrawn and the site was handed over for future unrestricted use on 9 December 1999. The Jason decommissioning project was safely completed to time, cost and quality by the Millennium 2 without any adverse effects on World Heritage aspects of the site.Sannino, Francesco; Schechter, Joseph2010-01-01Some non perturbative aspects of the pure SU(3) Yang-Mills theory are investigated assuming a specific form of the beta function, based on a recent modification by Ryttov and Sannino of the known one for supersymmetric gauge theories. The characteristic feature is a pole at a particular value. Assuming the usual QCD value one finds it to be 1.67 GeV, which is in surprisingly good agreement with a quenched lattice calculation.

A similar calculation is made for the supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory where the corresponding beta function is considered to be exact.Chan Hongmo; Tsou Sheungtsun1988-06-01A suggestion that the theory of interacting open bosonic string be reformulated as a generalised Yang-Mills theory is further elucidated. Moreover, a serious reservation regarding the ordering of operators in the earlier 'proof' of equivalence between the new and standard formulations is now removed. (author).Campbell, W.B.; Joseph, D.W.; Morgan, T.A.1980-01-01Screened time-independent cylindrically-symmetric solutions of Yang-Mills equations are given which show that the source does not uniquely determine the field. However, these particular solutions suggest a natural way of uniquely specifying solutions in terms of a physical realization of a symmetry group. (orig.).Froehlich, J.1981-01-01The author states various problems and discusses a very few preliminary rigorous results in a branch of mathematics and mathematical physics which one might call random (or stochastic) geometry. Furthermore, he points out why random geometry is important in the quantization of Yang-Mills theory.

(Auth.).Castillejo, L.; Kugler, M.1980-09-01We investigate a class of solutions of the classical SU(2) Yang-Mills equations. The symmetry of this class prescribes a natural set of gauge invariant degrees of freedom. Using these degrees of freedom we obtain a simple set of equations which enables us to find all the solutions belonging to the class under discussion. (Author).Chew, C K; Low, G B; Lo, S Y Nanyang Univ. Of Physics; Phua, K K Argonne National Lab., IL (USA)1980-01-01By introducing quarks into Chao- Yang statistics for 'violent' collisions, particle ratios are obtained which are consistent with the Chao- Yang results. The present method can also be extended to baryon-meson and baryon-antibaryon ratios.Cullen, R.; Wingham, D.; Francis, R.; Parrinello, T.2011-12-01With CryoSat-2 soon to enter its second year of post commissioning operations there is now sufficient experience and evidence showing improvements of the SIRAL's (Synthetic interferometric radar altimeter) SAR and SARIn modes over conventional pulse-width limited altimeters for both the targeted marine/land ice fields but also for non mission relevant surfaces such as the ocean, for example. In the process of understanding the CryoSat data some side effects of the end-to-end platform measurement and ground retrieval system have been identified and whilst those key to mission success are understood and are being handled others, remain open and pave the way to longer term fine-tuning.

Of interest to the session will be a summary of the manditory changes made during 2011 to all the modes of CryoSat-2 science processing with a view to longer term algorithm improvements that could benefit the planned mid-to-late nominal operations re-processing. Since some of the science processor improvements have direct implication to the SAR mode processing of Sentinel-3 and Jason-CS science then these will also be highlighted. Finally a summary of the CryoSat-2 in-orbit platform and payload performances and their stability will also be provided. Expectations of the longer term uses of CryoSat's primary sensor (SIRAL) and its successors will be discussed.Beckley, B. D.; Lemoine, F. G.; Zelensky, N.

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P.; Yang, X.; Holmes, S.; Ray, R. D.; Mitchum, G. T.; Desai, S.; Brown, S.; Haines, B.2011-01-01Recent developments in Precise Orbit Determinations (POD) due to in particular to revisions to the terrestrial reference frame realization and the time variable gravity (TVG) continues to provide improvements to the accuracy and stability of the PO directly affecting mean sea level (MSL) estimates. Long-term credible MSL estimates require the development and continued maintenance of a stable reference frame, along with vigilant monitoring of the performance of the independent tracking systems used to calculate the orbits for altimeter spacecrafts.

The stringent MSL accuracy requirements of a few tenths of an mm/yr are particularly essential for mass budget closure analysis over the relative short time period of Jason-l &2, GRACE, and Argo coincident measurements. In an effort to adhere to cross mission consistency, we have generated a full time series of experimental orbits (GSFC stdlllO) for TOPEX/Poseidon (TP), Jason-I, and OSTM based on an improved terrestrial reference frame (TRF) realization (ITRF2008), revised static (GGM03s), and time variable gravity field (Eigen6s).

In this presentation we assess the impact of the revised precision orbits on inter-mission bias estimates, and resultant global and regional MSL trends. Tide gauge verification results are shown to assess the current stability of the Jason-2 sea surface height time series that suggests a possible discontinuity initiated in early 2010. Although the Jason-2 time series is relatively short (approximately 3 years), a thorough review of the entire suite of geophysical and environmental range corrections is warranted and is underway to maintain the fidelity of the record.Asda Laining205.000-135.000 (120.000 untuk 40FF60DP. Kadar DHA, EPA, dan ARA dalam karkas induk yang diberi pakan 40FF60DP tertinggi dibandingkan dua pakan lainnya.

Alkalinitas selama pemeliharaan berlangsung baik untuk uji pakan fase prematurasi maupun maturasi relatif rendah yaitu.Singlton, D.1998-01-01Some solutions of Yang-Mills equations, which can be found with the use of the general relativistic theory and Yang-Mills theory, are discussed. Some notes concerning possible physical sense of these solutions are made. Arguments showing that some of such solutions in the Yang-Mills theory (similar to the general relativistic ones) may be connected with the confinement phenomenon are given in particular. The motion of probe particles located into the phonon potential similar to the Schwarz-Child one is briefly discussed for this purpose ru.Chaohao, G.1980-01-01Using the conformal invariance of Yang-Mills equations in four-dimensional manifolds, it is proved that in a simply connected space of negative constant curvature Yang-Mills equations admit solutions with any real number as their Pontryagin number. It is also shown that the space S 3 x S 1 which is the regular counterpart of the meron solution is one example of a class of solutions to Yang-Mills equations on compact manifolds that are neither self-dual nor anti-self-dual.Rino2014-09-01Full Text Available Abstract: Factors Affecting Lecturers’ Performance. This study aims to find out the effects of smart campus information technology, implementation of ISO 9001:2008 quality management system, and leadership skills on lecturers’ knowledge management, work motivation, and performance. Using a ran­dom-proportional-sampling technique, the study involved 175 lecturers, a number required in SEM analysis.

Data were analyzed using a structural equation modeling of AMOS19 software. The findings indicate that smart campus information technology and leadership skills significantly affect lecturers’ knowledge management, and that leadership skills as well as motivation influence lecturers’ performance significantly.

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Keywords: information technology, quality management, leadership skill, performance, knowledge management, work motivation Abstrak: Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Kinerja Dosen. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis penga­ruh teknologi informasi smart kampus, implementasi sistem manajemen mutu ISO9001: 2008, dan kete­rampilan kepemimpinan terhadap knowledge managemen,t motivasi kerja dan kinerja dosen UNP.

Populasi penelitian adalah dosen Universitas Negeri Padang. Ukuran sampel ditentukan berdasarkan persyaratan analisis SEM menggunakan model estimasi maximum likelihood sehingga diperoleh 175 responden d.