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Welcome, we are pleased that you are seeking membership in duPont Manual’s National Honor Society. Any duPont Manual sophomore or junior that meets the requirements set forth in the duPont Manual Constitution and By-Laws may apply. NHS is the most prestigious organization at most any high school in the nation, and that is no exception at Manual. NHS members are the best of the best of best of the best. We are looking for well-rounded, self-motivated students that are committed to academics and service. If you are interested in joining to pad your resume, NHS may not be the best organization for you. Closely evaluate your time commitments with respect to academics, extracurricular activities, employment, and family obligations before seeking membership.

NHS obligations combined with Junior and Senior level class work can be demanding and sometimes takes a toll on members. Manual’s NHS has a attrition rate of approximately 25% each year.In order to be considered for duPont Manual’s NHS, there are some general requirements all applicants must have:Scholarship: You must have a cumulative GPA above 3.7000 and explain any semester grades that you have received that were below C’s. The counseling office will verify all grades.Leadership: You need to be able to show that you have been active in the classroom, school or community organizations during your high school years. You will be asked to list the names of organizations and any special recognition, awards, or honors (including scholarships) that you may have received. If you hold or have held an office or were a candidate for an office, be sure to include all the specifics on the application.Service: Service is defined as a positive, non-self-serving contribution to the welfare of others. The selection committee will be looking for a track record of active school and/or community service during your previous years at Manual. You will be asked to list all of the service projects that you have completed or been involved in since you began the 9th grade, including the name of the project, relevant specifics of your involvement and the contact information for a person at the organization you volunteered for so that we can contact them to verify your service.Character: NHS members must exemplify good character so you will be asked to write how you best exemplify character.

Additionally, you will be asked to list the specifics of any referrals or other disciplinary actions (includes excessive tardies or absences) you may have had during your high school years.You are required to submit three duPont Manual Teacher Recommendations (forms can be found on the Manual NHS Website). Make sure you give your teachers plenty of time to submit your recommendation forms by the deadline. You must have EXACTLY THREE recommendations from teachers who have had you as a student or as part of an extracurricular activity.

The selection committee looks for three “Very Good” recommendations from these teachers and an exemplary discipline record. The committee will only review recommendations that you & your parents have waived your rights to review. While it does not prohibit acceptance in to Manuals NHS, expectations for members are quite high and any single mark in the highlighted areas of the recommendation form could be cause for denial into NHS (99.9% of candidates selected for membership have no marks in the shaded areas).Work Experience, Recognition & Awards: You will be asked to list any job experiences, job honors, or job recognition that you have received. You should be sure to include any summer jobs and the name of the employers, followed by the position you held, and then any relevant specifics you feel are pertinent to the selection committee. Working during your high school years is not a requirement for NHS; however, having done so while meeting all the other requirements of membership may help strengthen your application, or this may be a way of documenting leadership.Extracurricular Activities: duPont Manual’s NHS is looking for members that are well rounded, so the selection committee will be looking for members that are involved in at least 2 extracurricular activities, one of which is a duPont Manual extracurricular activity.Review the general qualities that applicants for duPont Manual’s NHS are expected to have. If you believe you possess these qualities, then you are well on your way to becoming a member of the duPont Manual NHS chapter.

Once you determine that you are a viable duPont Manual NHS candidate, there are several steps to the application process.Watch the duPont Manual NHS presentation. The presentation can be viewed on the 'Documents' tab on this website.

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The presentation will also be given at all of the four application informational meetings held during the month of February mentioned above.Read the entire duPont Manual Constitution and By-Laws and attend one of the information meeting to get any questions you might have answered. (On the website as well)Download & complete the duPont Manual NHS application form (MS Word file).