Database Software Comparison Chart

Database Software Comparison Chart Rating: 4,0/5 6068 votes

DatabaseRank1Oracle1268.842MySQL1154.273Microsoft SQL Server1040.264PostgreSQL466.115MongoDB387.186IBM Db2179.857Redis149.018Elasticsearch143.449Microsoft Access141.6210SQLite126.811Cassandra122.9812Splunk81.4313MariaDB78.8214Teradata76.1915Hive69.9116Solr61.4817HBase60.3918FileMaker57.1519SAP HANA56.6420Amazon DynamoDB55.0921SAP Adaptive Server55.0422Neo4j46.823Couchbase34.5924Memcached29.5425Microsoft Azure SQL Database27.2. Oracle database is a relational database (RDBMS). Relational databases store data in a tabular form of rows and columns. Column of a database table represents the attributes of an entity and rows of a table stores records. An RDBMS that implements object-oriented features such as user-defined types, inheritance, and polymorphism is called an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS). Oracle Database has extended the relational model to an object-relational model, making it possible to store complex business models in a relational database. Compact (SQL CE), the compact edition is an embedded database engine.

Best Database Software

Unlike the other editions of SQL Server, the SQL CE engine is based on SQL Mobile (initially designed for use with hand-held devices) and does not share the same binaries. Due to its small size (1 MB DLL footprint), it has a markedly reduced feature set compared to the other editions. For example, it supports a subset of the standard data types, does not support stored procedures or Views or multiple-statement batches (among other limitations). It is limited to 4 GB maximum database size and cannot be run as a Windows service, Compact Edition must be hosted by the application using it. The 3.5 version includes support for ADO.NET Synchronization Services.

SQL CE does not support ODBC connectivity, unlike SQL Server proper. Stephen king la torre nera epub bud.

Are you storing data from IoT devices? Running a digital content management system? What about handling configuration data or recording inventory or transaction information? Or maybe dealing with just about any other system handling or generating data?


If your data needs to be stored and accessed, you'll need some sort of a database.Chances are, you already know this. But if you haven't looked at databases recently, you may be surprised at how the landscape has changed. It's no longer just a battle between monolithic relational database vendors. In fact, the popularity of non-relational databases is on the rise, more than doubling over the last five years; however, only one (MongoDB) is in the top five overall (relational and non-relational combined).Depending on the type, structure, data model, data store, and intended use case of your data, different systems are likely to be better suited to your needs. The schema or querying mechanism required, your consistency or latency requirements, or even transaction speed (including real-time) can also influence your decision. For example, an embedded database for a system with locally stored dynamic configuration data will have quite different requirements from an operational relational database intended for tracking hotel room bookings.So, where do you begin in choosing a database? We've looked at both NoSQL (non-relational) and relational database management systems (RDBMS) to come up with a bird's eye view of both ecosystems to get you started.

SQL/RDBMS/Relational DatabasesRelational databases and related management systems (RDBMS) are more widely known and understood than their NoSQL cousins. Relational databases emerged in the 70s to store data according to a schema that allows data to be displayed as tables with rows and columns.

Database Software Comparison Chart

Think of a relational database as a collection of tables, each with a schema that represents the fixed attributes and data types that the items in the table will have.