Arabian Love Poems Nizar Qabbani Pdf Viewer

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  1. Arabian Love Poems Nizar Qabbani Pdf Viewer Download

It has been a while since we last read any Arabic poetry! Today we are going to read a poem by the great Arab poet Nizar Qabbani. The poem is entitled, “ Five Love Texts خـمــســةُ نــُُــصـــُـــوص عــَــن الــحــُـــبّ ”. In the poem, Nizar boasts of being in love. He says that his love is indescribable and everlasting. No one can explain this love in any ancient or modern language. This love raises so many questions that he can not find any answers to them in poetry.

Arabian Love Poems Nizar Qabbani Pdf Viewer

The Lovers at Gretna Green by Lapsus Kalamari via Flickerأنْ تـكـوني اِمـرأةً. أو لا تـكـونـي.To be a woman. Or not to beتـلـكَ. تـلـكَ الـمـسـألــَـهْThis. This is the questionأنْ تـكـوني اِمـرأتـي الـمـفـضــَّــلـهْTo be my favorite womanقـطــَّــتـي الـتـركــيــَّــة الـمـُــدلــَّــلــهْ.My Turkish pet catأنْ تـكـونـي الـشـمـسَ. يـا شـمـسَ عــُــيــونـيTo be the sun.

O, you; sun of my eyesو يــداً طــيــّــبــةً فــوقَ جــبــيــنــيTo be a kind hand over my foreheadأنْ تـكــونـي فـي حــيــاتــي الــمــقــْــبــِــلــَــهْTo be in my future lifeنــجــمــةً. تــلــكَ الــمــشــكــِــلــَــهْA star.

This is the question!أنْ تــكــونــي كــلَّ شــيّْ.To be everything.أو تــُــضــيــعــي كــلَّ شــيّْ.Or to lose everything.إنَّ طــبــْــعــي عــنــدمــا أهــوىMy mood when in loveكــطــبــْــعِ الــبــَــرْبــَــريّْ.Is like that of a barbarianأنْ تــكــونــي.To be.كــلَّ مــا يــحــمــلــُــهُ نــوَّارُ مــن عــُــشــْــبٍ نــديّْEverything a bud carries of grassأنْ تــكــونــي. دفــتــري الأزرقَ.To be. My blue notebookأوراقــي. مــِـدادي الــذهــنــيّْ.My papers.

My mental inkأنْ تــكــونــي. كــَــلــِــمــَــةًTo be. A wordتــبــحــثُ عــن عــُــنــوانــِــهــا فــي شــَــفــَــتــيّْThat seeks its address on my lipsطــفــلــةً تــكــبــرُ مــا بــيــن يــديّْA child that grows up in my handsآهِ يــا حــوريــةً أرســَــلــهــَــا الــبــحــرُ إلــيّْ.O, you fairy that the sea has sent to me.و يــا قــَــرْعَ الــطــُــبــُــولِ الــهــَــمــَــجــيّْO, you barbarian beat of drumsإفْــهــَــمــيــنــي.Understand me.أتــمــنــَّــى مــُــخــْــلــصــاً أنْ تــَــفــْــهــَــمــيــنــيI sincerely hope that you understand meرُبــَّــمــا. أخــطــأتُ فــي شــرحِ ظــنــُــونــيMaybe. I have misexplained my thoughtsرُبــَّــمــا ســِــرتُ إلــى حــُــبــِّــكِ مــعــصــوبَ الــعــيــونِMaybe I have walked to your love blindlyو نــَــســَــفــْــتُ الــجــســرَ مــا بــيــنَ اِتــِّــزانــي و جــُــنــونــيAnd blew up the bridge between my balance and madnessأنــا لا يــمــكــنُ أنْ أعــشــقَ إلاّ بــجــُــنــونــيI can never love but with madnessفــاِقــْــبــَــلــِــيــنــي هــكــذا. أو فــارْفـــُــضــِــيــنــي.So, accept me like this.

Phoscyon bassline keygen software. Or reject meإنــْــصــتــي لــي.Listen to me.أتــمــنــَّــى مــُــخــْــلــصــاً أنْ تــُــنــْــصــِــتــي لــي.I do sincerely hope that you listenمــا هــُــنــاكَ اِمــرأةٌ دُونَ بــديــلِThere is no woman with no alternateفــاتــنٌ وجــهــُــكِ. لــكــنْ فــي الــهــوىCharming is your face. But in loveلــيــس تــكــفــي فــتــنــةُ الــوجــه الــجــمــيــلِIt is not enough to have a charming faceإفْــعــَــلــي مــا شــِــئــتِ. لــكــنْ حــاذِري.Do whatever you want. But bewareحــاذِري أنْ تــقــتــلــي فــيَّ فــُــضــُـــولــي.Beware of killing curiosity in meتــَــعــِــبــَــتْ كــفــَّـــايَ. يــا ســيــِّـــدتــيMy hands got tired.

O, Mistressو أنــا أطـــرُقُ بــابَ الــمــُــســْــتــَــحــيــلِ.While I was knocking the door of the impossibleفــاِعــشــقــي كــالــنــَّــاس. أو لا تــعــشــقــيSo, love like people. Or do not loveإنــَّــنــِـي أرفــُــضُ أَنــْــصــَــافَ الــحــُــلــُــولِ.I do refuse half-solutions. More poems of Nizar Babbani on our Arabic Blog:.Check us back soonPeace ســَــلام /Salam/. Whatever we say or add our thoughts about the infamous/GREAT last century s Arab/SYRIAN born romantic and patriotic poet the late Mr.NIZAR QABBANI, it will not be fair or enough to give this poem-genius his right or deserved value, words are too little fraction to describe his role in ARAB literature, he was the best ever to impersonate the feelings and turmoil of the Eastern,especially The Arab Women were enduring and for centuries, as deprived,neglected. Their rights denied. Or as an object without emotions or dignity.a piece of furniture in the Arab home?

Arabian Love Poems Nizar Qabbani Pdf Viewer Download

Only when she becomes a Mother,then she was/is regarded as a human being.mostly by her children, but still regarded as a second class citizen in her own birth country, So what Mr. Whatever we say or add our thoughts about the infamous/GREAT last century s Arab/SYRIAN born romantic and patriotic poet the late Mr.NIZAR QABBANI, it will not be fair or enough to give this poem-genius his right or deserved value, words are too little fraction to describe his role in ARAB literature, he was the best ever to impersonate the feelings and turmoil of the Eastern,especially The Arab Women were enduring and for centuries, as deprived,neglected. Their rights denied. Or as an object without emotions or dignity.a piece of furniture in the Arab home? Only when she becomes a Mother,then she was/is regarded as a human being.mostly by her children, but still regarded as a second class citizen in her own birth country, So what Mr.